Call us: (02) 4226 2844

28 Mercury Street, Wollongong

Gynecologist & Obstetrician

Women Health Solutions

Dr Tahrir Basheer is a professional and highly experienced female obstetrician and Gynaecologist who has been practicing female health in the Illawarra since 2005.

Private Obstetrics

Dr. Basheer is highly skilled, caring and compassionate Obstetrician who takes her work very seriously. She listens carefully to all the pregnancy concerns, and handles them with professionalism  and empathy. Enough time is allocated to explain carefully all methods of delivering the baby and the type of analgesia that would be required. will stop her services for obstetrics by the end of November this year 2024

Doctor Basheer has also a commitment  to providing a course of teaching instrumental deliviries, and Vacuum Deliviries to the rergistrar and the Midwives at the Wollongong Public Hospital

Women are welcome to book in from 12 weeks gestations for low risk pregnancies and earlier for those considered to be a High Risk pregnancy.



Dr Basheer is a caring, thorough, skilled and knowledgeable doctor with a friendly and humble personality and welcomes General Practitioner's to contact her for any advice.

Furthermore at our clinic we offer a wide range of Gynecology related services and consultations to prevent and treat various medical womens issues and complications.

Our goals and mission are to provide treatment options and the time to discuss the safe,legal and optimal methods for the care of the woman. Also offerd  information on reliable and effective of Menopause 





About Dr. Basheer

Handle With Professionalism

Dr Tahrir Basheer is a very experienced and highly skilled female Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, practicing in the Illawarra since 2005. Since completing her MBBS, Dr Basheer has trained both in Australia and internationally and has immense clinical experience in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and is highly skilled in managing and performing both minor and major obstetric and gynaecolical cases and surgeries.

Dr Basheer’s areas of interest are:

  • • Pelvic Floor Surgery  - Genital Prolapses         
  •  • Urogynaecology - treatment of both Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and Urge Incontinence with a sling operation.
  • • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Management  - both medical and surgical using the most recent technology, Novasure, Myosure resection of submucouse myoma, Hysterectomies
  • • Chronic Pelvic Pain Management
  • • Pelvic masses and ovarian cyst management
  • • Laparoscopic Surgeries - both minor and major
  • • Cervical pathology - management of abnormal pap smears, colposcopies, vaginal and vulval diseases management.

• Private Obstetrics for both high and low risk pregnancies.



Why Visit Us

Dr. Basheer is a skilled and knowledgable female Specialist with a caring, through attitude, supported by a friendly and humble personality. Welcoming women referred by their General practitioners who may also contact her for advice and support.

Dr. Basheer provides surgical services, operating at Wollongong private and public hospitals, Wollongong Private Day Surgery, and Shellharbour Public Hospital.

Providing services for women in General Gynaecology and Obstetric Services for those woman referred to her private practice. 

Professional memberships:


• Australian Medical Association

• International Urogynaecology Association

Dr Basheer has developed:

  • Policies for medical management of ectopic pregnancy and early miscarriages at Wollongong Public Hospital 
  • Is involved in training post graduate registrars, medical students, midwives and student nurses.
  • Has had an article published in the Urology Journal of New Zealand about “postpartum haematuria” also regularly attend national and international conferences.



Our Services

Dr Basheer is a caring, thorough, skilled and knowledgeable doctor with a friendly and humble
personality and welcomes General Practitioner’s to contact her for any advice.

Elective Hysterectomy approaches

Hystrectomy: is surgical removal of the uterus with or without removal of the cervix

the indications of hystrectomy is abnormal uterine bleeding not responding to medical treatment, tumours of the uterus, precancerous conditions and prolapse. cancer cases usually performed by Gynaecology oncologist.

the possible complications are related to the medical condition of the patient, her BMI, previous surgeries in the abdomen and adhesions, the complexicity of the case and the skill of the surgeon.

Approaches to Hystrectomy: 3 types 

1.Non invasive approach: vaginal hystrectomy, v note ( laparoscopic hystrectomy via the vagina) the surgeon does not make any incision on the abdominal wall. with Quick recovery and less possible complications and less pain.also considered as scarless hystrectomy

2.Microinvasive Hystrectomy: Laparoscopic or Robotic, the surgeon will make multiple small incisons on the abdominal wall. this is usually followed by early recovery but slightly more possible complications than the vaginal approach.

3. Invasive Hystrectomy : abdominal hystrectomy by making a single incision 10-12cm on the abdominal wall which will be followed by longer duration for recovery and possible more complications, however there is indications for each type.

the 1st 2 approaches were designed to avoid if possible the invasive technique, however there is always a possible risk to conversion to more invasive approach.  Ask your doctor about all types before you consent to the procedure and get information sheet for the procedure.

the most common indications of hystrectomy is abnormal uterine bleeding due to Dysfunctional uterine bleeding or due to bengin tumours as fibroids, also it is indicated in adenomyosis , pelvic pain and genital prolapse.( malignancy of the genital system is other indication of hystrectomy which usually performed by  the onocologist)

fibroids  are benign tumours of the uterus , it occurs in 30% of women .  50% of patients are asymptomatic, the most common symptoms are heavy periods, usually regular but could be irregular, with iron deficiency anaemia , there are 3 types of fibroids according to location of the fibroids.could be submucouse in the cavity of the uterus which gives symptoms of heavy and prolonged periods, intramural locates in the wall of the uterus,this also can cause heavy periods or  ,subserosal at the outer surface of the uterus. pressure symptoms on bladder might cause frequency of micturition. fibroids usually shrinks in menopause.

Treament :  do nothing , 6 monthly USS for couple of years to monitor the growth of the fibroid in asymptomatic patients.

uterine artery emblisation , this procedure usually carried out by interventionist radiologist this is availble both in wollongong public and private hospital.

Myomactomy or hystrectomy and this depend on the age of the patient and if she has completed her family or has'nt.This page will give you information about a vaginal hysterectomy. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or relevant health professional.

What is a vaginal hysterectomy?

A vaginal hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb) and cervix (neck of your womb) through your vagina. It is possible also to remove your ovaries but they will usually be left alone.

What are the benefits of surgery?

Illustration showing the womb and surrounding structures.
The womb and surrounding structures.

There are common reasons for having a hysterectomy.

hysterectomy may cure or improve your symptoms. You will no longer have periods.

Are there any alternatives to a vaginal hysterectomy?

  • Symptoms may be improved by doing pelvic floor exercises.
  • Heavy periods can be treated using a variety of non-hormonal and hormonal oral (by mouth) medications. Other alternatives include an IUS (intra-uterine system - an implant containing a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone that fits in your womb) or ‘conservative surgery’ to remove the lining of your womb or prevent it from growing back.
  • Depending on the size and position of fibroids, you can take medication to try to control the symptoms. Other treatments include surgery to remove the fibroids only (myomectomy) or to shrink the fibroids by reducing their blood supply (uterine artery embolisation).

What will happen if I decide not to have the operation or the operation is delayed?

Your doctor will monitor your condition and try to control your symptoms.

You may feel that you would prefer to put up with your symptoms rather than have an operation. Your gynaecologist will tell you the risks of not having an operation.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your healthcare team.

  • Changes to your monthly bleeding pattern if you have periods.
  • Increased abdominal (tummy) swelling.
  • Worsening pain that needs more medication than you are currently taking.

What does the operation involve?

The operation is usually performed under a general anaesthetic but various anaesthetic techniques are possible. The operation usually takes about 45 minutes.

Your gynaecologist will examine your vagina. They will make a cut around your cervix at the top of your vagina so they can remove your womb and cervix.

They will usually stitch the support ligaments of your womb to the top of your vagina to reduce the risk of a future prolapse and may place a pack (like a large tampon) in your vagina.

How can I prepare myself for the operation?

If you smoke, stopping smoking now may reduce your risk of developing complications and will improve your long-term health.

Try to maintain a healthy weight. You have a higher risk of developing complications if you are overweight.

Regular exercise should help to prepare you for the operation, help you to recover and improve your long-term health. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.

If you have not had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, you may be at an increased risk of serious illness related to COVID-19 while you recover. Speak to your doctor or healthcare team if you would like to have the vaccine.

What complications can happen?

Some complications can be serious and can even cause death.

General complications of any operation

  • feeling or being sick
  • bleeding
  • blood clot in your leg
  • blood clot in your lung
  • infection of the surgical site (wound)
  • allergic reaction to the equipment, materials or medication
  • acute kidney injury
  • chest infection

Specific complications of this operation

  • pelvic infection or abscess
  • developing an abnormal connection (fistula) between your bowel, bladder or ureters and your vagina
  • damage to structures close to your womb
  • conversion to an abdominal hysterectomy
  • developing a collection of blood (haematoma) inside your abdomen
  • vaginal cuff dehiscence
  • recurrent prolapse
  • new prolapse

Long-term problems

  • developing a prolapse
  • difficulty or pain having sex
  • tissues can join together in an abnormal way
  • passing urine more often, having uncontrolled urges to pass urine or urine leaking from your bladder when you exercise, laugh, cough or sneeze
  • feelings of loss as a hysterectomy will make you infertile
  • going through menopause

Consequences of this procedure

  • pain

How soon will I recover?

You will be able to go home when your gynaecologist decides you are medically fit enough, which is usually after 1 to 3 days.

Rest for 2 weeks and continue to do the exercises that you were shown in hospital.

You can return to work once your doctor has said you are well enough to do so (usually after 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your type of work). You should be feeling more or less back to normal after 2 to 3 months.

Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.

Most women make a good recovery and return to normal activities.


A hysterectomy is a major operation usually recommended after simpler treatments have failed. Your symptoms should improve.


The operation and treatment information on this page is published under license by Healthdirect Australia from EIDO Healthcare Australia and is protected by copyright laws. Other than for your personal, non-commercial use, you may not copy, print out, download or otherwise reproduce any of the information. The information should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you. Medical Illustration Copyright ©

For more on how this information was prepared, click here.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: September 2022

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A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus (womb) which is where a baby grows during pregnancy.

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Read more on RANZCOG - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website

Hysterectomy - Better Health Channel

The conditions that prompt a hysterectomy can often be treated by other means, and hysterectomy should only be a last resort.

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What if I've had a hysterectomy? | Cervical Screening | Cancer Council

Some women who have had a hysterectomy may need to keep having Cervical Screening Tests. Find out more here

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Hysterectomy | Jean Hailes

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Uro Gynaecology


Uro Gynaecology

Urinary incontinence is very common and can affect up to one in two women (or 30-50 percent). It happens to women of all ages although it occurs more likely at the older age group, however it could occur at any age. it can  have a big impact on your quality of life. Many women find it so embarrassing that they don’t seek medical help but there are a wide range of treatments that can help. 

Urinary incontinence is when you accidentally leaks or wet yourself. This can range from leaking a small amount of  urine to completely wetting yourself.

There are different types of urinary incontinence. The most common are stress incontinence and urge incontinence.  

Stress Incontinence is triggered by any exertion activity (for example when you laugh, cough, sneeze or do something physical like playing sport, jumping or lifting heavy things).   
Urge Incontinence is also called  overactive bladder syndrome, this condition occurs when you once  have the urge to void;  you will not be able to hold it for enough time and wetting yourself involuntarily. usually  you have symptoms of Urgency, frequency of urination and nocturia ( wakening at night more than once/night to pass urine) with involunatry leakage of urine . this is due to overactivity of the detrusor muscles ( bladder Muscles ). usually treated either by changes in life style + physitherapist bladder retraining, behavioural therapy or by medical methods like anticholinergic, anti musccurinic / Ditropan , Vesicare or Mirabegron tablet . post. tibial stimulation. if all fail then interstem neuromodulator surgery might be recommended.  


How is urinary incontinence treated?

The kind of treatment you have will depend on  the type of urinary incontinence you have

  • How severe it is, and how much it affects your quality of life?
  • Your age, health and medical history.

 treatment options may be one or more of the following :

  • Lifestyle changes such as losing weight, quitting smoking, eating more fibre, drinking more water or lifting less weights. 
  • Medication to help relax the bladder muscles, which play an important role in urge incontinence. 
  • Physiotherapy to strengthen the pelvic floor, which supports your bladder. A physiotherapist can design a special pelvic exercise program for you. 
  • Surgery to support or ‘hold up’ your bladder or urethra (the tube that links your bladder to the outside of your body). Surgery is usually only considered if medication or physiotherapy have not been successful. 
  • The success of treatment can vary. While treatment may not ‘cure’ your incontinence, it can still help you live more comfortably with it.
  • bladder Diary, urodynamics, pelvic USS to check for urine retension and to exclude any pelvic pathology are helpful investigation prior to treatment
  • There are many  operations provided to treat stress incontinence:the approaches to these operation will be either trans vaginal, or transabdominal or laparoscopic or robotic.
  • Mid-urethral sling procedure installs a mesh tape under your mid urethra to give it support. This usually involves small cuts to your vagina and  at each groin (trans obturator Mesh Kits). or Retropubic Mesh, through a small incison in the anterior vaginal wall and  other 2 small incisions at the anterior abdominal wall ( retropubic sling) You will be given an injection of medicine to either numb the area being operated on (local anaesthetic), the whole pelvic region (regional or spinal anaesthetic) or to put you to sleep (general anaesthetic). This procedure is also called a tension-free or trans-obtruator vaginal tape (TOT)operation and the retropubic sling is called TVT. TOT is more associated with pelvic pain or perineal pain while TVT more associated with Visceral injuries, like bladder, bowel or blood vessel injuries and urine retension,symptoms of over active bladder as well might occur for the 1st 3-6 months post insertion of the mesh and usually should settel down. Both associated with mesh erosion in 5-10% of patients, which might require more surgeries in the future to remove the eroded parts of the Mesh. Mesh erosion usually presents as vaginal bleeding, discharge, dyspareunia and hispareunia. success of the sling insertion to control SUI symptoms is about 70-90% in the 1st 5 years then the efficacy of the sling will drop down.

  • removal of the meshes is very difficult especially the TOT and i can't  remove them. few doctors can remove them and usually the TOT sling that i do is more difficult to remove and usually will be incompletely removed. 


    proper removal of the Meshes could be performed by some urogynaecologist

    Colposuspension ( Burch colposuspension,laparoscopically or opened) uses stitches to lift up the neck of the bladder and attach it to the pubic bone. This can involve small cuts to your belly (key-hole surgery) or a longer cut along your belly. You will be given a general anaesthetic for this procedure. or Pubo fascial sling by using the rectus sheath as a retropubic sling.
  • i dont do the Burch colposuspension and has stoped doing the sling procedures and patients will be referred to the urogynaecologist.
  • Image result for suburethral sling procedure

  • for more information about urinary incontinence and management, i refer you to the web site of IUGA patient leaflets.

  • you can down load a varities of pamphlet for free in most of the languages in the world, related to your urinary symptoms. these pamphlets are:

  • bladder diary, urodynamics, over active bladder, non surgical treatment of incontinence, surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence, neuromodulators, posterior tibial nerve stimulation




Genital Prolapses


Genital Prolapse:

Occurs when pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, rectum) slip down from their normal anatomical position and either protrude into the vagina or press against the wall of the vagina. The pelvic organs are usually supported by ligaments and the muscles, connective tissue and fascia which are collectively known as the pelvic floor. Weakening of or damage to these support structures allows the pelvic organs to slip down.

The condition is most common in postmenopausal women who have had children, but can also occur in younger women and women who never had children. It is estimated that at least half the women who have had more than one child have some degree of genital prolapse (although only 10-20% complain of symptoms).

diagram of types of genital prolapse

Normal (no prolapse)

Uterine prolapse




There are a wide range of treatment options available for prolapse. The most appropriate treatment will depend upon the type of prolapse or prolapses, their severity, the age of the woman, her state of health and her plans regarding children. Treatments can be divided into three types, conservative, mechanical and surgical. Conservative as pelvic floor excercises, and mechanical ( Ring vaginal pessaries) treatments are generally considered for those with a mild prolapse, women whose childbearing is not complete and for those who do not wish to have surgery or who are unsuitable candidates for surgery (eg., elderly women, or women with multiple medical problems and unfit for surgery).

surgical treatment is usually involve either vaginal wall repairs +/- hystrectomy+/- sacrospinous fixation with or without a mesh.

possible complications include Generaly: infection ,bleeding, thromboembolism, urinary infection, temporare urinary retension.haematomas

injuries to internal organs, bowel, bladder , ureters, blood vessels, nerves , post operative pain ,dyspareunia, Failure of the procedure.

hysteropexy or colpopexy laparoscopically or trans abdominally. using Meshes in general vaginally or abdominally are associated with more possible complications like erosion of vaginal skin or a viscera like bladder or bowel, migration and folding of the meshes which might causes pain, dyspareunia, vaginal bleeding and discharge, requirements for more surgeries for removal of meshes which could be very difficult  also dicitis and massive haemorrhage with hysteropexies.

Prevention of Genital Prolapse:

While women have little control over some contributing factors to prolapse (eg., having a long labour or giving birth to a large infant), there are a number of other steps they can take to reduce their risk:

  • Perform pelvic floor exercises regularly, particularly during pregnancy after childbirth and into menopause.
  • Avoid constipation and straining during a bladder and bowel movement. A physiotherapist or continence nurse can provide information on toileting positions to minimise risk to the pelvic floor and assist in the complete emptying of the bladder and bowel.
  • Treat the cause of any chronic cough (if it is smoking-related seek assistance in quitting).
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects frequently. If lifting heavy objects, make sure to bend at the knees and keep the back straight.
  • for more information please  review  IUGA patient Leaflets website : you can get the information in your own language in most of the time and can understand your condition , the variable approaches of treatment and possible complication. 


Laparoscopic Surgery


Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopy is a keyhole surgery: Is one of the surgeries which is designed to reduce the post operative hospitlisation facilitating early discharge and recovery, it is performed at fully equiped hospitals.

if you have had laparoscopic surgery with early discharge from hospital, it is expected that you will improve day by day following this procedure.

Should symptoms of increasing pain, abdominal swelling and/or fever occur post operatively, then the advice will  be  to urgently  contact your surgeon  or to present at the closest Emergency Department  to identify any possible complications from the procedure. nausea an vomitting post laparoscopy might indicate bowel obstruction, a loop of the small bowel might herniate in to one of the port's site. inabilty to pass urine with abdominal distension might indicate undetected urological injuries and require immediate presentation to Emergency department.

there are varities of laparoscopic, robotic, ,v notes surgeries.

1. hystrectomies for bengin conditions, or myomactomies ( removal of the fibroids)

2. removal of ovarian cysts or bengin tumours, or the whole tubes or the ovaries. ectopic pregnancies, division of adhesions. treatment of endometriosis. removal of displaced IUD in the abdominal cavity and managing pelvic inflammatory diseases.


Pelvic Pain


Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is common, affecting approximately one in six of adult females. Much remains unclear about its aetiology, with a number of possible contributory factors. The development of a management plan is required. the pain called chronic if persists for 6 months or more . 

the aetiological factors that contribute to pelvic pain are: physical, psychological and social.

the pelvis is made of skeleton , muscles and pelvic organs , the genital system ( uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes), bladder and part of the ureters,  bowels, peritoneum so any pathology( inflammation, injuries, tumours, strains) in any of the structures of the pelvis can cause pain. inaddition pain in the pelvis could be a reffering pain from other  structures. the pain could be central from the brain.women who were exposed to child sexual abuse will be more vulnerable to chronic pelvic pain  

pelvic pain which varies markdly with the menstrual cycle is likely to be attributed to hormonal changes  driven mostly by endometriosis.

chronic Pelvic Pain, is a complex condition  it is often classified under the following headings:

Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS), Painfulvaginal Syndrome (PVS), Irritable bowel Syndrome(IBS).

chronic pelvic congestion as a cause of pelvic pain is still controversial and can be treated by ovarian suppression or GNRH agonist.adhesions due to previous surgery, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease can cause pain only if it is dense vascular adhesions which might be reliefed by division of adhesions.

nerve entrapement by scar or fascia, example is pain at the caesarean section scar. 

Pelvic floor dysfunction might cause chronic Myofascial Pelvic Pain, these symptoms can be further exacerbated by Psychological and social issues.

The treatments of chronic Pelvic Pain, involve  Multidisciplinary approaches; conservative and surgical treatment.

The  mutlidisciplinary  approaches  involvement include physiotherapist, osteopath, as well as a psychologist in the treatment. usually after taking detailed history, listening to the patient, explaining the cause of symptoms and planning management is very important in the initial visit.Performing pelvic examination, investigation will be performed as pelvic USS , CT scan , and MRI, blood test , STD screening might be required. pelvic USS cant diagnose early stages of endometriosis unless it is advanced , abscence of sliding sign due to bowel adhesions at the pouch of douglas.if pain persits inspite of proper physiotherapy and analgesia, or if pain present  with possible other symptoms like dyspareunia ( pain During sex)  , dysmenorrhea ( painful Periods), heavy periods then laparoscopy indicated to exclude or confirms endometriosis or othIr causes.

If the pain associated with gastro enterology or urinary symptoms. the patients will be referred to the those specialities through her GP.

for more information that provid support , please review the following  links: 

organisations providing further information and/or support

endometriosis UK [] ● IBS Network [] ●

Cystitis and Overactive Bladder foundation [] ●

Women’s Health [] or [] ●

Pelvic Pain Support Network [] ●

Department of Health Expert Patient Initiative []


Private Obstetrics


Private Obstetrics

Is offered to all woman for: Antenatal care of the pregnant woman both low risk and high risk.

Management of   labour , normal, instrumental deliveries and caesarean section.  

for caesarean section please click on the this link / information for patient

management of both 3rd and 4th degree perineal tears, for more information please review this link / .

management of postpartum haemorrhage 

Post Natal Care of mother and baby.

we worked as a team with very skilled midwives at wollongong private hospital at labour ward and delivery suitesmiley.

Learn More


Cervical Screening


Cervical Screening:

In Australia cervical cytology remains a cost effective test for reducing incidence and mortality of cervical cancer by the detection and subsequent treatment of its precursors. General practitioner have a great role in recruitment of women who has never been screened or under screened.

Renewal of the National Cervical Screening Program:

information for people to review through this link,

2017 cervical screening program changes from every 2 years pap smear for women aged 18-69 to a 5 yearly  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) test for women aged 25-74 years.Screening will be for oncogenic virus rather than cytology.

The new test is more sensitive and less frequent with high negative predictive value.

there will be 2 different types of testing

1. Cervical screening test (CST) to detect for oncogenic Viruses type16,18 and other High Risk Viruses.

2. Co Test which will detect both the oncogenic Virus +LBC , also this test will be used for test of cure.

women are divided in to 3 groups

1. Low Risk / woman with Negative CST and those will be reminded to repeat the test in 5 years.

2. Intermediate Risk / women with positive Other High Risk Viruses (non 16/18 HPV) with LBC showing negative result, Low Grade or Possible Low Grade Squamous Intra epithelial Lesion(LGSIL, PLGSIL) would be invited to do a cotest in a year , if negative for the Virus then to be referred to 5 yearly screening program.

3. High Risk groups / are  three sub groups who needs to be referred for  a Colposcopy

a. All positive HPV 16/18  needs colposcopy  what ever the results of LBC

b. All positive (HPV non 16/18) with LBC showing High or possible high grade squamous intra epithelial Lesion (HGSIL, PHGSIL) also persistent HPV others infection for 2 years + LGSIL or PLGSIL or negative LBC

c. All Adeno Carcinoma Insitue AIS

Women with HPV 16 & 18 positive with Liquid base Cytology (LBC) showing invasive squamous cell carcinoma or glandular lesion should be referred to Gynaecology Oncology ideally in 2 weeks.

Women who have had a total hysterectomy with no evidence of cervical pathology, have previously been successfully treated for histologically confirmed High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL) and have completed Test of Cure, do not require further follow-up. These women should be considered as having the same risk for vaginal neoplasia as the general population who have never had histologically confirmed HSIL and have a total hysterectomy.

for more information please click on the link below



Conservative Management Followup.

Diathermy of the cervix. 

Surgical management

Large LOOP Excision of Transformation Zone (LLETZ) or Cone biopsy,usually used for Glandular Lesion or in postmenopausal women with Type 3 transformation Zone. 

Find out more about cervical screening test at  or call 131556



What Patients are Saying About Us

History of mesh implants for your information

Very little robust information is available on the efficacy and long term safety
of polypropylene transvaginal mesh kits marketed.

in 2002 The  Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA)  in USA approve the 1st mesh implant in the vagina.

2008 October, the FDA issued the 1st statement regarding vaginal mesh after reviewing complaints made to the agency, they recommended the specialist who has had further training for mesh implant can perform the procedure after notifying the patient that mesh is a permanent implant and complication can occur which might not resolve with further corrective surgery, however these complications are rare.

2011 July the FDA updated it's statement after the increased use of Meshes, to the adverse outcome of the mesh implant is no longer considered rare. More research has comes up later showing no compelling evidence of mesh superiority over native tissue for treatment of vault prolapse or posterior vaginal wall prolapse, however they accepted that there was some evidence of greater efficacy in the use of mesh for anterior compartment of the vagina.

2012 the FDA introduced post market surveillance of all meshes implanted in the vagina, resulting in  johnson & johnson and American Medical System (AMS) have been withdrawn from the market.

2016 the FDA classified transvaginal mesh as class111 high risk device as a consequence of these changes Maher et al reviewed cochrane data base found that light weight transvaginal meshes currently available have not been evaluated within a  Randomised controlled Trial (RCT) need to be recruited in to a clinical trial to determine the efficacy of the meshes.



Our Doctor continues to expand the professional knowledge in the field every yeaar. Below you may find her qualifications and recognition to assure the best service quality in the region.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstricians & Gynecologists
Fellow of The College
Fellow of College
AMS certified
Colposcopy Cetrificate
Fellow of COllege 2015